
…building a better, fairer future, for all of us

What is imagine2027?

We are building a coherent, workable and attractive vision of a fairer and more prosperous society – to make more egalitarian policies and approaches seem not only politically viable, but actually attractive.  Join us!  Bring your imagination and positivity to this project.

  • Between autumn 2017 and summer 2018 we held over a dozen events at which nationally-recognized thought-leaders gave personal, positive views on how Britain can be better and fairer in 2027, followed by questions and audience discussion.  Each speaker was chosen for deep domain expertise on one aspect of the complex knot of issues that together drive inequality upwards. They gave us valuable insights on changes we can make.  Together we are building a holistic view of the knot, and how to untie it.
  • From summer 2018, we have moved from Talk to Action, holding Forums to connect you with others who want to build a more equal society, working on specific concrete projects championed by:
    • our parent The Cambridge Commons, or by those we partner with including
    • the Equality Trust (spreading imagine2027 to its other groups nationally) and
    • the national Good Society hub Compass, or
    • you! What’s your proposal for building a fairer society?
  • These projects all either raise awareness of, or work directly to reduce, inequality in our local area and nationally.
    • Projects to raise awareness include a Compendium based on the talks setting out a coherent, holistic vision of the fairer future within our reach, with analysis of common themes and routes forward, and potentially online media and educational tools.
    • Projects to reduce inequality include… whatever you want! See our Events page for details of Forums on Action over the remainder of 2018 where you can get involved.
    • There are already numerous practical initiatives underway. Find out more about them and how you can get involved by coming to the “Equality for Cambridge” Meet Up hosted by The Cambridge Commons, first Wednesday of every month at 6:30pm, at the Cambridge Blue, 85-87 Gwydir Street.

To create a better society, first we must imagine it.


Why do this?

A good society has no slaves, no underclass.  Everyone has a fair chance and a fair share.  Yet in Britain today, nothing is fair anymore.  Everything is connected – we need to look holistically at fairer sharing of:

  • FINANCIAL RESOURCES and security, wealth, income, liability to taxation
  • POLITICAL INFLUENCE, rights to be heard, freedom from interference, and access to justice
  • OPPORTUNITY, education and social mobility
  • SOCIAL INCLUSION, status and participation in work
  • LIVING CONDITIONS, housing, health and access to services.

Opportunity is shared unfairly, outcomes keep it like that.  Inequality is getting worse, and  this hurts all of us.  ‘Economic growth’ is helpful – but not when the gains all go to the top.  Collective wellbeing depends far more on how the fruits of prosperity are shared out.  When we share our prosperity, we also share our values, respect, experiences, and spaces.

Wellbeing is infectious.  We flourish together, or our society rots. A thriving country is at heart a community, not a business. A society is not a zero-sum game but a collaborative venture in which fairer sharing raises the well-being of everyone. Prosperity follows.

It’s your future. Join the conversation.


imagine2027 is an initiative of The Cambridge Commons (“TCC”), a group focused on raising awareness of inequality in Cambridge, in collaboration with the Labour History Research Unit of Anglia Ruskin University. TCC is the local affiliate of The Equality Trust.   Our Terms and Conditions are here.